Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"The Old Lady Team"- revisited

If you missed the story, you can read about it here. But, after last week's games, it's official. You know you are the the epitome of "the old lady team" when you fail to get your hands up fast enough to pass the ball, and as a result, take a spike off the top of three of your fingers. Luckily, they aren't broken!

This past week has definitely been a lesson in patience and gratitude for me. Have you ever tried to button up a pair of jeans using just one hand? How about put on a bra?? I always joke that my left hand is only around for aesthetic purposes-- it just makes my body look balanced. Well, after hurting it, I am here to tell you, I use it A LOT more than I thought. Being injured in such a way has made me incredibly grateful for my health and fitness. I think it is something I take for granted far more often than I should.
I would have posted this earlier, but I really don't type well when I can't use three of my fingers. Luckily, I seem to be healing well. They are still SUPER sore and kinda get swollen sometimes, but at least I can type again. Yep, I'm grateful for what I have! Hopefully I move a little faster tomorrow night. Otherwise, I may have to start pricing walkers, and I just don't think my fragile psyche could handle that this week!

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